Evil queen once upon a time
Evil queen once upon a time

evil queen once upon a time

Once everyone returned to Storybrooke and Regina untethered the town's magic from Hades' crystal wand, Mr. In fact, she did exactly that, crushing the Evil Queen's heart and committing herself to a better life moving forward. Since Regina was experiencing some serious guilt over her past actions as the Evil Queen and felt she was pretty much doomed to a life of suffering because of it, Snow gave her the leftover option so she could rip out the EQ and kill her once and for all. Hyde but brought with him a serum that separated the two men into two different people. Jekyll hopped through a magic wishing well portal into the Land Without Magic (which apparently does have magic after all), he left behind Mr. Of course, things are a bit more complicated than that. Neither is she, which is why she decided to rid herself of her former dark persona once and for all in the season finale.

evil queen once upon a time evil queen once upon a time

Sure, Robin's barely been on screen this season other than to look on helplessly while everyone else actually did stuff and to hand over his baby to the woman who impersonated his dead wife to get herself pregnant with his child, but I'm NOT here for Regina losing yet again. Whether you consider yourself a fan of Once Upon A Time 's former Evil Queen or not (and if not, how dare you?), I doubt there was a dry eye in any Sunday night ABC-watching household last Sunday night when Regina watched Robin Hood die by Hades hand right in front of her eyes.

Evil queen once upon a time